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PC gamers have to bear some responsibility for the Earth's temperature to heat up

The research shows that PC gaming is only about 2.5% of computers worldwide, but they accounted for 20% of total energy use computers worldwide. A typical gaming computer using an equivalent amount of energy as three refrigerators (or ten Xbox). A resident on Earth, everyone should have the responsibility for the environment.

Climate change is not the only problem. It should be noted that the components of your computer are manufactured from materials which are used to be buried underground. The exploitation of these materials are meant destroying the environment around mines and contaminate a large area. And the cost of raw materials is also very expensive! Therefore, making your computer more green also means making it cheaper. Building a PC is designed to use fewer resources can obviously be costlier in the immediate moment, but will be worth more than the long-term savings on electricity bills each month you. So a task for you - how you can make your PC more environmentally friendly, and quiet operation and save even more?


Let's start with the software. First, learn to set computer energy management. This allows you to automatically turn off the screen and allows your computer to switch to sleep mode when you are not using. Select the setting that you feel comfortable and remember that this feature only works when you step out of the screen

Next, visit the GPU settings. Adjust them to achieve maximum efficiency (usually also means smoother frame). If you are using AMD cards, you can have access to the Radeon Chill, help track the movement in the game, and adjust the frame rate, frame rate high when you needed and lower when there is no need bridge. V-Sync is a well other applications, it will stop the production framework that monitors your GPU can not be displayed in practice. You can also select the desired frame rate for the GPU to its limits FPS.

Target of all kinds of features are still maintaining performance while energy usage is reduced. So basically we really beneficial. Using lower power means that the radiator fan run too much do not need, so your machine will consume even less energy. Maybe it's not much, but everyone together to do so, it will become a big issue.


Typically, the construction of the PC has promoted optimized for two things: price and performance. But if emphasis added energy efficiency will bring benefits to both types. You will pay less in the long period of time and get more profit for your money at once.

When shopping for the components, it should be noted checked using energy ratio between the active mode and sleep mode. This can vary between components is very different and you need to choose the products consume extremely little or no energy consumption when you're not using it. These specifications are not always available, so do not hesitate to contact the manufacturer or seek third-party measurements.

Select the appropriate source for staging your machine - obviously not too small, but also should not choose too big. Very easy to find how to calculate power supply for units account online, where you simply select the model of your individual components and it will tell you what you need. And when there is capacity PSU is recommended, be rounded up to 50W value nearest and you are ready to use.

You should also consider the second-hand components. They Not only good value, but also have huge environmental benefits than a new product. Because their values ​​are still being used and they will not be sent to landfill. If you think about the entire life cycle of a product, you will feel the longevity of it as long as possible to the environment.

Maybe you will feel like putting your screen becomes automatically disabled will not produce any tangible difference to the environmental problems of the world. But you just need to think about the issues of environmental protection - puts it in the forefront of the brain, which means that you will start making decisions better environment in all circumstances of life.

Environment has always been an issue of interest worldwide. Environmental protection requires conscious in each and every act done by a small life. As a gamer, passionate but still must maintain a sense of environmental protection must still be demonstrated. Thank you for reading this article. Wish you a good day!

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