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Part 2 - Fortnite Battle Royale: How to a legend in Fortnite? These tips and guides for a PRO gamer

In previous posts, we shared information and some guidance on Fortnite Battle Royale. This article will share with you the advanced tips to help you become a good player in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Next, the instructions to build the best and fastest

In addition to controls, you should also know how to build some structures. Here are some ideas:

Panic building:

When you come under fire, act fast and fire up the building

mode, select the wall, and build four walls around you as you spin in a circle. This provides you an immediate cover from fire from any direction (except above, of course) and allows you some time to access the situation. From there, try to look around. The third-person view in Fortnite allows you to peek over walls. Sometimes, your enemy will try to shoot down the wall, which gives their position away. If your enemy is close, build a ramp. Again, activate building mode, select the ramp, aim at the ground, jump and immediately confirm the build. With the ramp built, you can now peek over the wall and re- turn fire.

Following the same tactic, you could also try to build a Funnel Fort, which is

a very versatile structure, especially in the late-game section. You start off by building boxes on top of each other (four walls, jump and place a platform so you land on top of it, rinse and repeat). Build as high as you want, and then build ramps facing outwards to create a funnel-shape platform (hence, the name Funnel Fort). Now you can peek over the ramps and shoot at your ene- mies coming at you from any direction.

The idea of the building is to give you an environmental advantage. You can al- ways go crazy and build a massive fort, but it is not really necessary when you are the only one defending it. We suggest you stick to the basic tower structures since they have the same defensive capability, not to mention that they take a shorter time to build and cost fewer resources. Oh, and there is no need to build a fort early in the game since your position will most likely be hit by the storm and you will need to relocate.

When you are building, you will make a lot of loud noise, which can attract nearby players who are out for blood. Keep that in mind when you are building. You cannot afford to be caught off-guard. Another thing worth knowing is that you should not build your structure out of wood if you can help it. Wood is a very fragile material and can be destroyed easily.

Try to build with brick or metal. They are more durable. When it comes to destroying other player’s structure, all you need to do is shoot at it. If they are at the top of a tower, aim at the base of the tower. Once the base is down, your opponent is in for a nasty surprise when the entire tower comes crashing down.

A minigun is best at dismantling buildings. Even better, if you could get your hands on a rocket launcher, then your opponent will be very sur- prised when their tower suddenly comes crashing down.

Building is more than just for defense. You could also use it to navigate through the map by building ramps on the slopes of the hill, build a bridge off the cliff and to give you an edge in combat by gaining the high ground with a ramp.

Hitscan and Projectile in Fortnite Battle Royale

In Fortnite Battle Royale, there are two major types of weapon systems. The hitscan-based weapons, and the projectile-based weapons. Both are unique in how they function, and it is vital to understand how they work.

For projectile-based weapons such as a grenade launcher, you fire projectiles that are influenced by distance and gravity. So, you will need to lead your target, which we will discuss a bit later.

For the hitscan-based weapons, the damage is dealt immediately. The game gives visual feedback in which you see the bullets flying. However, it can glitch sometimes and what you see can be different than what actually happens. There- fore, you should focus on aiming at your target and shooting. Whatever else that you see won’t contribute to your hit. This weapon system also utilizes the bloom feature or fire dispersion. We will discuss that later.

How to be a Better Shooter

Whilst building is an imperative skill to master in Fortnite, shooting is arguably the most important. What is the point of building amazing structures, if you can’t actu- ally kill anyone? Isn’t that the name of the game? If you want to be #1, then you need to learn how to land good hits and make every single shot count. Read on to find out more.


Doing this improves your accuracy. If you are using a medium range weapon such as an assault rifle, you should crouch and move while fir- ing at your enemy. Not only that it makes you a smaller target, you also make yourself a small and moving target, not to mention that your accuracy will be improved as well since there is a lot less sensitivity in your controls.

•Bloom or fire dispersion:

Another common feature in shooter games. When you fire your weapon, especially if you go full auto or spray and pray. When you fire your gun, your circle that represents your crosshair also gets larger. Your bullet will land anywhere within that circle. The larger the circle, the lower the accuracy. It is not such a big problem for a sniper rifle, but for weapons like assault rifles, you need to learn how to fire in bursts. That way,

you can control the dispersion so that your bullets hit everything but the tar- get. This system applies to hitscan-based weapons such as the assault rifle.

•Where to aim:

In this game, the body of the character is not a bullet sponge.

You can do a lot of damage by landing a headshot. However, in the midst of the action, your aim might not be optimal. In this chaotic, close quarter com- bat, it is usually best to go for the torso (or chest) instead of the head. Why? Simply, it is better to hit the body and do damage than try to go for the head- shot and miss. The torso is a large target, compared to the head.

•Bullet drop:

You may have experienced this in some shooter games. Over a

long distance, especially when you are using a sniper rifle, you should calcu- late how low the bullet will drop. The further the target is, the higher you need to aim. You just need to experiment to really understand how high you need to aim. This applies to projectile-based weapons such as the snipers, grenades, and rocket launchers.


When your target is moving, you need to aim ahead of them, depending

on how far away they are from you. You need to predict where they will be by the time the projectile hits its mark and aim and fire there. Timing is crucial and very tricky. Again, you need to have a feel for it before you can make cor- rect predictions. If you know how to lead a target and estimate the bullet drop properly, and armed with a powerful sniper rifle, you will be a feared player. This only applies to projectile-based weapons.


All weapons have their ranges. For example, a shotgun is a short to

medium range weapon. An assault rifle is a medium to long range weapon. A sniper rifle is a long range weapon. While it is a possibility to hit someone with a shotgun halfway across the map, your shot will do very little damage. Instead, use a sniper rifle and you will see a world of difference.

Best Weapons and Their Locations:

Good weapons don’t come easily. Most of the time, you will need a powerful gun that will hit your enemies like a truck. The thing is, it can be hard to tell which weapons are worth picking up later on in the game. In this list, we will take a look at some of the most powerful weapons that should fit everyone’s playstyle, and how to get your hands on them:

•SCAR and Burst-Fire Assault Rifle:

The jack-of-all-trades, except that it actu-

ally delivers the highest DPS (damage per second) than any other weapon in the game. Its rate of fire is excellent, it hits hard (90 damage on a headshot) and it is fairly accurate as well. Of course, it will lose to a shotgun and a sniper in short and long range engagements respectively, but this is a nice weapon to have.

•Bolt-Action Sniper:

Bolt-Action Sniper
Bolt-Action Sniper

Best long-distance weapon you can ever find. It hits very

hard, and if you managed to land a headshot, it will be a guaranteed kill. If you do it right, they won’t even know where you are when they die. Keep it if you come across it.

•Rocket Launcher:

Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher

What knocks your enemy out of the game better than a

massive explosion? Is your enemy camping inside their tower? With the rock- et launcher, you can destroy the tower and the enemy that hides inside with the building with splash damage. Just be careful not to get caught in the blast.

•Pump or Tactical Shotgun:

Pump or Tactical Shotgun
Pump or Tactical Shotgun

The trusty shotgun. Both of these types of shot-

gun are a must-have in a player’s inventory. The pump shotgun has a slow rate of fire but deals 95 damage if you land a hit (almost a one-shot kill). Still, you need to hit the enemy first, so make that shot count. The tactical shotgun trades damage for the rate of fire. So, you can fire a lot more often but deal reduced damage. Nonetheless, both of these shotguns are lethal at close range (i.e. in buildings).

Since the item placements are randomized, there is no guarantee that you will find the same weapon in the same chest in different games. However, you can be sure that the powerful weapons are most likely stored in treasure chests which we discussed earlier. When you open the chests, you will find that the weapons always come in a certain color. The color represents their rank. Grey means Common (weakest), green is Uncommon, blue is Rare, purple is Epic, and orange is Leg- endary (strongest). You will want to get at least a purple or an orange colored weapon if you want to have a good chance at winning.

How to Prevent Fall Damage from Falling from Hills

Fall damages can and will ruin your game. There are some tricks that players use in order to reduce or eliminate fall damage when they should have taken some dam- age. Here are a few things you should know about fall damage:

  • Armor from Shield Potion does not protect you from fall damage. Your health

  • takes fall damage directly.

  • A jump pad helps you from taking damage when you fall from a high place.

  • If you fall from a mountain, you can try to turn toward the mountain and run

  • towards it. That way, you effectively slide down the mountain so you will not take any damage.

  • Another trick you could try is to build on the slope to stop your fall. It can be

  • tricky to pull off, but it might just save your life.

Additional Tips to Help You Win

In addition to all of the strategies we mentioned above, here are some more that do not quite fit in with the previous categories. They are also important to help you get 1st place in the match and could be the difference between life and death.


While you don’t need them to play, all of the pros use them. Headphones give you a better audio feedback that you cannot hear without them, such as the sounds of your opponent’s activities. It is worth investing in a quality pair so you can hear those sounds clearly and be able to know where the sounds are coming from.

Supply Drops

Occasionally, the Battle Bus will drop a supply crate full of some of the best loot in the game such as a rocket launcher or a minigun. This can turn the tide of the game in your favor, so you might want to get it as soon as possible. But, as it makes its way to the ground, you may lose sight of the drop. To prevent that from happening, you can shoot the balloons to make the health bar pop up. Then, you can see the health bar through obstacles and it is a useful marker to help you lo- cate the supply drop.

The Storm

The Eye of the Storm is a game mechanic that forces the players into a con- stantly shrinking area, thus forcing players to fight each other. If you stay outside the safe zone, then you will receive a lot of damage which will eventually kill you. Therefore, many players always rush to the next zone once it is confirmed. You must be ready to move at all time. If you get to the next safe zone early, you can set up a trap and ambush the players who are trying to get away from the storm in a panic.

Inventory Management

You only have a limited inventory space. That limits your fighting style. Having space in your inventory also helps when you need to grab a lot of items in a rush and get away from a certain area. The idea is, that the shorter the time you need to spend organizing your inventory, the shorter the time that you are exposed while you are sorting through your inventory. So, don’t just pick up everything and then spend minutes throwing it away when you come across valuable loots.

Gun Choice

Earlier we discussed weapon range. It is imperative to choose the right gun for the right situation. At long range, the sniper is the best because it is the most accurate and has the longest range. While the rate of fire is slow, you don’t need it if you kill your opponent in one shot. At medium range, the assault rifle is ideal since it is a combination of range, rate of fire, accuracy, and damage. At close range, the shot- gun is the best. The shotgun has the lowest accuracy, shortest range, but hits very hard. In close-range combat, you don’t need to aim much. So the shotgun is ideal. Just point it at your enemy and let it rip.

That's all the tips we can you become a better gamer Fortnte. Thank you for reading this article. Wish you a good day!

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