How to join the match in game custom PUBG - Warriors Gamer
Custom match explanation in gamer PUBG:
The system allows you to edit all types of installation:
the frequency of Air Drops
the frequency of the circles
the available weapons
the number of players
and many other parameters
How to join the matching custom in PUBG:
Head to the Custom Match tab in the play Tab
Filter the results by mode
Filter the results by the Public only-Custom games can be set to Public, so open to anyone, or Private, which is only open to those with a password. Unless you know someone who's setting up a game specifically for you to play, you'll need to find a Public one.
Scan the results for games that aren't full-Look for the "JOIN" button to appear down in the bottom left. Sometimes games appear as full (say, 30/30 players) when they aren't, and likewise sometimes they appear to be not full (say, 20/30 players) but actually already are. The key is the join button.
Keep trying to join games that have a join button-it's worth hammering the button a few times for each game, until it stops trying and failing to load you in and eventually updates the UI to tell you the game really is full. Try it several times for each match that has a join button available.
Refresh the list and try again when you've tried it with all the games on the screen, refresh the list and work your way down it again, looking for the join button to appear. Eventually, if you're lucky like we were, you'll get into a game.
Posts by Warriors Gamer.
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