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Akali rework 8.15 - AD Akali jungle - Akali LOL (League of Legend) s2018

Akali Rework (LOLs8) is one of the generals in the forest and location but gamers have proven that. They use the forest Akali position and play his Akali AD is the obsession with the enemy. Went into battle with skill "Q: Five-Handed Spear" with cooldowns faster and do more damage. Then approach the target with skill "E: Dagger Shot" rush to reach the opponent. and finish off opponents quickly with skill "R: Savage killing". When there are too many competitors in the fight, Akali will easily escaped by skills "W: Smoke bombs" her, even fortress of the enemy can not look detected. And when the skills are back, Akali return match and one more enemy will die. Watch the video below:

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